
AOM SoulFood said…
A most beautiful start here on Blogger. I can see I am going to be visiting here often. I will add a link to your blog on my blogger blog, AOM Morning Dew. We look to have very similar taste. I have never seen this theme before - I really like it - looks like a Tumblr theme.

I've been on blogger for around 15 years so if you ever need any help, don't hesitate to call on me. I enjoy helping so don't be shy. You can check out my blog at this addy: Welcome aboard. Cheers, AOM
guylunatic said…
Thank you for this warmly welcome. Indeed, I'm moving my blog from Tumblr, where I blogged five years, about 20.000 posts and 16.000 followers. They flagged most of my pics NSFW. They don't want any adult pics anymore. So it will take some time to build up a new space.Thank's for your offer, I won't be shy to ask for help. Cheers, Guy
AOM SoulFood said…
I'm so sorry to hear all your hard work has been wiped away by the whims of ignorant people. I've been there. I've come to view blogging as a good lesson in impermanence. I meant to say that I've been on blogger for around 15 years. I also have a tumblr that was not NSFW but it did have artistic nudes - mainly naturists celebrating the joys of Nature.(pretty dirty stuff) I'm not sure if I will keep a tumblr blog or not - my heart says no - my head says wait and see. Google tried a purge about 6 years ago but they stopped and listened to their bloggers and reversed their decision - maybe that will happen at tumblr - I doubt it. If tumblr goes through with the purge I just don't feel I can do business with folks that censor others. I'm on AOM Morning Dew- my email is on the sidebar near the top on the right. Any questions or help you need, don't hesitate to ask. Have a lovely day. Peace, Phil